Saturday, January 8, 2011

Revising Thesis Statements

This week we spent every class revising thesis statements for one essay. I feel confident that everyone who participated in our Collaborative Team Revisions now has Effective Thesis Statements. Here's the scoop:
  1. Thesis Revision Process (You need a Finding Your Thesis Brain Organizer!)

    1. Read the task using the Keyword Strategy, then the In My Own Words Strategy. Note them on your Organizer.

    2. Brainstorm or Freewrite on the question, topic, or theme. Use the Keyword Strategy on your writing. Note keywords on your Organizer.

    3. Write the original thesis in the bottom box. Read it aloud at least TWICE.

    4. Rearrange, substitute, or omit words with the keywords. How can we say the same thing in a new way? How can we say it with the keywords?

5. Double check that your new thesis meets all the criteria for and Effective Thesis.
    • Does it have an Opinion about the topic/theme with Analysis (WHY???)?
    • Does it include keywords from the task description?
    • Does it include Keywords from your prior knowledge or research (from your freewrite)?
    • Does it introduce how the evidence presented relates to the writer’s opinion?

NOW revise your introduction paragraph with your new thesis statement. You should have three elements in an introduction:
  1. A hook
  2. You thesis
  3. A transition to your first piece of evidence.
Have fun! DUE MONDAY, January 10, 2011.

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