Monday, March 28, 2011

Group O Homework for Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1. Study vocab.
2. Make sure your CCR Notecard Timeline Book is complete!
3. Re-read the Revolutionary Moment on pp. 43-46.
4. Continue the inference chart we started in class today: Revolutionary Moment/Ji-Li's Choices/Ji-Li's Reactions.
5. Complete the da-zi-bao notecard.

Vocabulary: Monday, March 28, 2011

affront (n.)
*a personally offensive act
*a deliberate insult or display of disrespect

"This latest affront was too much for the students to bear" (44).



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vocabulary: Thursday, March 24, 2011

rivet (v.)
*to hold someone's attention completely so that he/she doesn't notice anything else

"All eyes were riveted on a dense ring of people in the street" (22).

Example Antonyms

Homework Due Monday, March 28, 2001

One page journal entry – READING JOURNAL

“Though we were not facing real guns or real tanks, this battle would be even harder, because our enemies, the rotten ideas and customs we’re so used to, were inside ourselves” (28-29).

Do you agree or disagree with Ji-Li’s statement that fighting issues, ideas, & habits inside yourself is more difficult than fighting others outside yourself?

How do we combat an enemy that is “inside ourselves”?

Have you ever successfully changed a way of thinking or a habit? If so, what did you have to do in order to make this change?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vocabulary: Wednesday, March 23, 2011

auspicious (adj.)
*bringing fortune or good luck
*promising success and favorable situation/conditions

"They always said that since an especially auspicious date was chosen to hang the sign, the store has been prosperous for more than thirty years!" (25).



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vocabulary: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

vicious (adj.)
*unpleasantly severe or malicious
*disposed or inclined to evil or vice

Because of his height and his serious face he usually played the villain at the children's theater where he worked. He was the vicious landlord, the foolish king" (13).



Social Location Map Portfolio Checklist

Your Social Location Map Portfolio must have the following completed maps:
  • Your own Social Location Map
  • Bobby's Social Location Map
  • Bobby's Setting Explosion
  • Hazel's Social Location Map
  • Hazel's Setting Explosion
  • Arnold's Social Location Map
  • Arnold's Voice Explosion
  • Marjane's Social Location Map
  • Egyptian Protester's Social Location Map
  • Egyptian Protester's Voice Explosion
  • Ji-Li Jiang's Social Location Map
That's a total of 11 maps! Make sure you leave it in your folder in your Group's drawer in 407!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vocabulary: Monday, March 21, 2011

elude (v.)
*to avoid or escape understanding, discovery, responsibility of something because of cleverness or trickery or deception

"After school I would stay in the library until it closed, just to elude the family's overconcerned looks" (17).



Sunday, March 20, 2011

Red Scarf Girl & Chinese Cultural Revolution Homework

Below is the litany of assignments that need to be complete as of Monday, March 21, 2011. If you have any questions, make sure you email me at!

1. Take notes on the main ideas for the Chinese Cultural Revolution on your flashcard notes. These notes should be assembled in a book with two covers bound by a single ring. You can find the information for these notes on this blog entry. ***Make sure your notes are IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Not copied word for word from the site!

2.Read Red Scarf Girl Chapters 1 - 5, pages 1 - 79.

3.Take notes in your three column chart IN YOUR READING JOURNAL! Column 1 = Quotes; Column 2 = Questions/Connections/Visualization; Column 3=Inferences & Guesses

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vocabulary: Wednesday, March 16, 2011

pernicious (adj.)
*deadly; fatal; causing death
*extremely hurtful; causing insidious harm

Cancer is a pernicious disease. Patients suffer incredible pain and harm, eventually death in some cases.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vocabulary: Tuesday, March 15, 2011

festoon (n.)
*a decorative string or
chain of flowers, leaves,
foliage - actual or
representative (buildings)

to festoon (v.)
*to decorate with festoons
*to create a festoon

"The row of tall parasol trees that lined the inside of the school yard was festooned with more da-zi-bao, hanging like flowers from the branches" (39).


Monday, March 14, 2011

Vocabulary: Monday, March 14, 2011

denounce (v.)
*to criticize or accuse someone of something publicly

I became embarrassed when Ms. Heather denounced and criticized me in the middle of class for not doing my homework.



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vocabulary: Tuesday, March 8, 2011

to commune (v.)
*to converse or talk together about thoughts & feelings, usually intensely & intimately

Vocabulary: Tuesday, March 8, 2011

commune (n.)
*a small group of people living together, sharing possessions, working together, sharing income, etc.,



Saturday, March 5, 2011

Researching the Chinese Cultural Revolution

For your Chinese Cultural Revolution Notecard Timeline Book, you must gather notes from the World History book and this website.

  • choose the most important information for understanding a revolution
  • put the notes in words you will understand
  • arrange your notecards in chronological order

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Vocabulary, Wednesday, March 2, 2011

perfunctory (adj.)
  • performed as a habit or routine
  • characterized by doing something by habit, without really thinking about it



Egyptian Revolution Essay Formatting

All final draft essays must be typed and formatted as follows:
  • 12 point font, NO SCRIPT!
  • 1" margins - If you need help with this, go to the Format menu, then Document. Or ask!
  • Double spacing on the essay - If you need help with this, go to the Format menu, then Paragraph. Or ask!
  • Paragraphs indented 1/2 inch! Again, if you need help, ASK!
  • A heading on the upper left hand corner of your essay, SINGLE SPACED!
Humanities 10
Due Date

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vocabulary: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

conclusive (adj.)
*characterizing sth. that settles a question or debate
*final; decisive

to conclude (v.)
*to come to a decision by reasoning
*to infer a decision by reasoning
*to settle a disagreement by reasoning

The detective concluded that the murder weapon was a switchblade.

Examples Antonyms