Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fate Homework

Write a paragraph in response to one of the following.

Option 1: Ji-li tells us about Shan-shan ‘s mother who had just fallen and struggled to get up. He walked past her without giving her a glance. Who is the victim here? Why? Who benefits in this situation? What role does Ji-li play?

Option 2: On p. 146, Ji-li says, “When I looked around me, fate seemed to be the only explanation for what was happening.” What do you think she means by this statement? What might other explations be, besides fate, to explain what is happening around Ji-li in this chapter?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Propaganda Homework

Compose a complete, coherent paragraph answering the question:

What are the similarities and differences between the use of media and propaganda during the CCR and their uses in our society today?

You paragraph must contain the following:

§ Topic Sentence

§ Intro to your evidence

§ 2 Evidence description

§ Discussion of why your evidence connects to your topic sentence

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reading for April!

We are looking toward the end of April to finish Red Scarf Girl. Below are our due dates:
  1. Friday April 15, 2011: Read up to page 191. Record a total of 28 quotes on your reading chart.
  2. Friday April 29, 2011: Read up to page 272. Record a total of 40 quotes on your reading chart.
Your reading chart should be in your Reading Journal. It should have three columns labeled as follows . . .
  1. Quote & page number
  2. Connection/Question/Visualization
  3. Inference

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don't Forget Your Geography!

Here's a fun (relatively speaking) site to quiz yourself on the geography and landscape of Asia. Make sure you test yourself on Cities, Countries AND the Landscape!

Have fun!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Mao Years

Our review for the Midterm was through the film The Mao Years. You can view it again here on You Tube. Go!

NOTE: There are 14 segments on You Tube. Search for "The Mao Years" and you will see all of them! Have fun!

Vocabulary: Monday, April 4, 2011

solemn (adj.)
*serious sorrow; extremely sad

"A da-zi-bao was posted on the gae, and a solemn crowd had gathered around it to read it, wiping their faces with handkerchiefs and shading their heads with palm leaf fans (81)."

Examples Antonyms

Antonym Sentences