1. Does the essay have a thesis statement that includes the following:
q Clearly show her opinion in answer to the task?
q Describe my interpretation of how and why the Iranian Revolution was important to Marjane and/or Iran?
q Identify historical details about Iran and Islam?
q Identify literary details and characters from Persepolis?
q Use correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling?
2. Highlight it in pink.
3. Does each paragraph have a topic sentence for each paragraph? YES NO
4. Highlight them in pink.
5. Does each topic sentence accurately describe the main idea about the paragraph? YES NO
6. What do you suggest the writer add or take away to make the ideas more clear? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
Interpretation (EVERYONE needs to improve in this area! Make sure you are explaining why and how your quote or paraphrase shows your thesis!)
1. Does each of the paragraphs have specific & accurate facts, details, & examples that connect to the thesis? YES SORT OF NO
2. Highlight them in green.
3. Does the writer explain WHY the evidence is important to answering the essay’s question?
4. Highlight the explanation in blue.
5. Does the writer use proper MLA citation for direct quotes or paraphrasing? YES SORT OF NO
6. What is unclear about why the evidence is important? (Again, EVERYONE needs to improve here!) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. Is the essay organized into indented paragraphs?
2. Does the essay have a clear introduction paragraph? Put an “I” next to it.
3. Does the essay have a clear conclusion paragraph? Put a “C” next to it.
4. Are the paragraphs in a logical order that makes sense and build on one another to create an enlightening argument? YES SORT OF NO
5. Does the writer use transitions to make a bridge from one paragraph to the next?
6. What could the writer add or take away to make the essay more organized and the ideas clearer? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. Does the writer use correct grammar, punctuation, conventions, language? YES NO
2. Are there major spelling errors? YES NO
3. Does the writer follow Standard Written English with no text speak or abbreviations?
Gone Fishin’
1. Does the writer start her essay with an interesting, provocative hook? YES SORT OF NO
2. Highlight the hook in yellow.
3. What kind of hook is it? A provocative question A fact or statistic A personal anectdote (story) A historical or current event
4. What is interesting or intriguing for you about this hook? _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
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