Monday, May 30, 2011

Historical Setting Essay Reminders

Picture of the entrance (for prisoners) to Auschwitz-Birkenau
A little tip from your Local Humanities Teacher . . .

As you start PREWRITING & BRAINSTORMING & DRAFTING your Historical Setting essays, remember the following:
  1. You are graded on your PROCESS of writing, NOT only the final draft. You could fail the essay even if you hand in a stellar final draft but do not show any of your process work.
  2. Record all your prewriting, brainstorming, freewriting, thesis drafts, evidence you want to use, reading notes (even on post-its)
  3. Keep every draft of your essay separate! even if you type them, make sure you hand in ALL the different drafts you write.
  4. If you need to use the drafting organizers I have in the room, USE THEM! You will have a better essay & a better grade.

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